Early Childhood Learning
A Joyful Synthesis of Music, Movement, and Creative Play
My work in early childhood over the past 30 years has been dedicated to the exploration of the impact that the multiple languages of the creative arts have on the learning experience. Across the primary areas of the curriculum including social/emotional, language, literacy, math, science and social studies, music, movement, and creative play can provide educators with accessible, fun, and powerful tools of engagement for brain based learning.
REKINDLE YOUR WONDER With so much compelling brain research emerging over the past ten years, I am finding myself becoming more passionate about inviting and encouraging educators to rekindle their own sense of wonder and creative play, as I believe that their vibrant engagement and enthusiasm in the classroom will most certainly be the spark that inspires the next generation to become "lifelong" learners. THE SCIENCE OF MUSIC My early childhood programs are based upon the most recent neuroscience research, which determines that there are four primary activities which create neuroplasticity (connections and growth) in the brain; making music, movement, creative (imaginary) play, and numinous experiences (experiences in which our sense of self is absorbed into something bigger than we are). In my workshops I share an engaging array of fun and accessible classroom activities that can be easily integrated into any early childhood curriculum. EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS Professional Development
Current neuroscience research reveals the importance of arts infused activities for brain-based learning. Because I am dedicated to promoting a new generation of students who are inspired toward life-long learning, I share key brain-based strategies that can be easily integrated and implemented into a wide array of curricular areas.
Mary Knysh is a bright light in the field of music making and movement. Her global experience and musical talent combine for a most unique and powerful professional development and training experience. I highly recommend her." Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC, Author "Music can charge and energize our brain. When music harmonizes with our own rhythms, we feel energized by it."
Eric Jensen: Teaching with the Brain in Mind |
If you are interested in booking one of my programs, or need additional information, please feel free to CONTACT ME. |